The shop is open!
by Kamil Kuzminski
I am excited to announce the opening of Codefog Shop that offers useful Contao extensions at affordable prices. The licensing is very simple - buy once and use the product for an unlimited number of your projects. The subscription that gives you access to all product updates is valid for a full year (365 days).
The shop currently features extensions such as:
1. bxSlider - Integrates the best and most flexible slider script on the market in this adaptable answer to your needs.
2. Photo Albums - Provides photo albums functionality for your website’s photo album(s) by using the outstanding gallery presentation jQuery plugin lightGallery.
3. Slick - A brand new extension enabling you to implement the last carousel you’ll ever need. A cinch to install, loaded with options.
4. Slider Revolution - The script by ThemePunch is the most advanced slider script in existence.
5. Tabs - User-friendly and fully responsive tabs solution with different layout settings, animations, deep linking feature and the style designer.
And also the Isotope eCommerce extensions to boost your shop:
6. Isotope Last Visited Products - A missing piece of the Isotope eCommerce system, enabling visitors to your site to quickly and easily view and link back to the last product(s) they viewed.
7. Isotope Product Compare - Fully configurable product comparison for Isotope eCommerce with a multitude of features from tailorable templates to extra preview modules.
8. Isotope Product Rating - This extension gives you a multitude of choices to suit your needs and tastes when offering your customers the option to rate your products.
9. Isotope Stock Management - Integrates seamlessly with Isotope eCommerce and offers an array of useful and intuitive features for your custom stock settings needs.
I encourage you to buy my products and hope they will make your work with Contao and Isotope much easier.