Photo albums
The Photo Album extension for Contao Open Source CMS provides photo albums functionality for your website’s photo album(s) by using the outstanding gallery presentation jQuery plugin lightGallery.
The Photo Album extension is easy to install and effortless to use; it’s the flexible solution for all of your photo gallery needs. You’ll be able to create galleries and portfolios and sort them into categories. Viewers will be able to zoom in and also download your images; with more than 30 transition types between images you have plenty of options for customization. Both Pager and thumbnails are included, cross-browser and fully responsive solution, URL hash change support, autoplay and fullscreen support, and every aspect of this extension is supported by excellent lightGallery script with multiple plugins.
Note: the module requires jQuery. Make sure you have enabled it on the page which you want to use the tabs on. The script can be included in the page layout settings.