Isotope stock management

Stock settings

Every rating configuration consists of several settings which will be described in details on this page. Each record must have its own name which is used only in the backend.

In the revert order status you can choose an order status, that will automatically revert stock changes when the order will have that status set. The suggested setting is usually the cancelled status. For example, if the client places an order for a stock product its quantity is being reduced by some amount. That amount will be restored if you decide to cancel the order, e.g. due to the resignation of the client.

You can also choose to hide unavailable products in the frontend. When the product stock quantity reaches zero, the product will no longer be presented on the website until you replenish the inventory.

Important note

The revert stock on selected order works only one way, meaning that it increases product quantities but does not decrease them again if status changes.

Quantity levels

The basic values you have to define for the quantity levels is the low level quantity and the medium level quantity. There are four main levels in the Isotope Stock Management extension. The below table explains their name, quantity, description and the color in the backend interface (i.e. color of the stock quantity in the product management view).

Level Quantity Description Backend color
Empty 0 There are no products in the stock. Black
Low Defaults to 10. The number of products is limited. Red
Medium Defaults to 20. The number of products is still decent. Yellow
High Quantity above medium level. There are a lot of products. Green

For the frontend however you have a total control of the quantity levels. You can create them as many as you want. For each level you have to enter the name (which can be displayed in frontend), the CSS class and the from-to quantity range. Please make sure that the next quantity level starts with a higher number than the previous one ends. See the image for an example.

This results in a similar display in the frontend to this:

Out of stock notification

You can also setup the notification when a product runs out of the stock. In order to do that, first go to the Notifications backend module and create a new notification of the Product out of stock type. Once you have create the message and languages you can go back to the stock configuration and update the necessary fields.