Isotope stock management


Basically the product stock configuration is as simple as creating a new stock configuration and adding a new product type. Thanks to the separation of the configuration records from product types, you can re-use the same setup across different types.

The first thing after the installation you want to do is to setup the first stock configuration. For that purpose please go to the Isotope eCommerce > Store configuration > Stock configurations and create a new record.

The detailed description of the available settings is described in the next sections of the documentation.

Porudct type settings

After you have created your first configuration, go to the Isotope eCommerce > Store configuration > Product types and edit your desired record. The first adjustment is the Product Class field which you need to set to the Stock product option.

You may also want to change the default templates to the ones that provide stock features. The exact templates changes are described in the next sections of the documentation.

The next thing to check are the product type attributes. Here you can add the stock attributes for base products or variant products.

From version 1.2.0 you can set the stock quantity for base products and have the product variants enabled the same time.

Finally choose the stock configuration you have just created.

To ensure that you have correctly setup the extension, go to the backend product management and check if the Stock column appears on the list.