Isotope product rating


To provide the maximum convenience and flexibility at the same time, the product rating has its own configuration records which can be the assigned to the product types. This allows you to create individual rating settings per different product types or assign one configuration for all types.

Create the configuration by going to the Isotope eCommerce > Store configuration > Product rating module and adding new record.

The detailed description of the available settings is described in the next sections of the documentation.

Product type settings

After you have created your first configuration, go to the Isotope eCommerce > Store configuration > Product types and edit your desired record. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and select a checkbox to enable product rating for this product type. Choose the configuration from the dropdown menu and save the record.

Template adjustments

The last step is to adjust your product templates by adding the below code snippet which will display the product rating widget. The following code must be placed in iso_*.html5 templates (e.g. iso_reader_default.html5) and it will not work in mod_iso_*.html5 templates

<?php echo $this->getRating($this->product); ?>