Automatic installation

This is a recommended way of installing the products. As an example product we will take the Tabs.

If the Extension Repository is not available for some reason, you can also install the products manually.

To install the extension automatically via Extension Repository, first you have to know the extension name. To find it out, simply go to the My Products page and find it on the product list. Once you have remembered or copied it, open the Extension Manager in your Contao system and click the Install Extension button in the top right corner.

You will be asked for the extension name. Here you should enter the extension name you have just copied from the shop and click the Continue button to install the module. Follow the steps that are displayed on the screen until the extension is installed.

Product activation

Now that you have installed the product, it is time to activate it. To do that, simply go to the Codefog Licenser module which has been installed by the way. There you will find a list of the currently installed Codefog extensions.

The license key for the activation can be found on the My Products page as well. Copy it from the desired product description, paste it into the text field and click the Activate button. Shortly after you should see the confirmation message and a status change next to the activated product.

That's it! At this point you can already start using the product! :-)